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Education projects

Know, Love, Preserve and act

The Kilian Jornet Foundation wants to inform and raise awareness in the educational field and the general public of the importance of preserving mountain environments.

To preserve an environment you need to love it and to love it you need to know it well.

Inspiring projects

This is a world map of inspiring school projects from kindergarten to high school and vocational training.

Learning biodiversity from the mountains

Creating materials about the regional biodiversity for the education community in mountain regions.


Different actions to do during the school year to raise awareness about nature.

Inspiring projects

These projects have been chosen for their relevance in the work they do regarding the nature of respect, awareness and action in daily school actions. There are also those projects that are sustainable in terms of equipment, efficiency, resources and daily actions. Also included are projects where science, shared or collaborative knowledge are the transversal axes for the formation of opinions and actions.

By clicking in the map you can learn more about them and see them in a video.

Educational materials about biodiversity.

This collaborative project arises when we realize that in schools or institutes in the mountain areas, such as the Pyrenees do not have materials appropriate to their reality to work on issues of nature and sustainability. Likewise, visitors and schools or institutes from other places that come to the mountains do not find them either. We would like the children and young people of our territory to know which animals are in danger of extinction at home before those of Africa, for example.

The main objective of the project is that the educational community, natural parks and the whole mountain territory are involved together with the foundation to develop these materials that can be available to everyone, to work specifically on aspects of flora, fauna and ecosystems of mountain environments.

During the 2021-2022 academic year, a pilot test will be carried out with a few schools and institutes in the territory of the natural parks of Cadí-Moixeró and Alt Pirineu, in the Catalan Pyrenees. And later it will be extended to other mountain areas.