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Exploring Nature’s limits

Beyond Human Limits, Within Nature’s Thresholds

“While pushing my limits in the Alps, I’m witnessing how those ecosystems are also reaching their limits.”

– Kilian Jornet

While Kilian is pushing the boundaries of human endurance and capability trying to connect the maximum number of 4000m mountains in the Alps, using only human-powered means and local resources, it is equally inspiring to celebrate and respect the natural values in this great region. 

As we explore the limits of human potential, we must also recognize the limits of nature, especially in the face of climate change. 

The Alps, renowned for their stunning glaciers and big extensions of permafrost, are experiencing rapid transformations due to rising temperatures. Global warming accelerates glacial melt and destabilised permafrost, leading to more frequent rockfalls and landslides. These changes not only threaten the natural beauty and biodiversity of the region but also pose risks to the communities and athletes who cherish these mountains.

It is crucial to adopt sustainable practices and support conservation efforts to mitigate the effects of climate change. Protecting the Alps’ unique ecosystems ensures that future generations can continue to test their limits in these inspiring landscapes. 

The goal of this journey

In our exploration of the Alps, we aim to understand nature’s limits and elevate its natural values. Through education and awareness, we celebrate and respect the Alps’ biodiversity and ecosystems, while highlighting projects that protect the environment.

By collaborating with experts, we reinforce the message of conservation, supported by our interactive map – a comprehensive hub of scientific information for this majestic region. For the first time, this resource brings together various initiatives and highlights key areas where science is essential to understanding the changes in this region. As outdoor enthusiasts, this knowledge is crucial for us to be aware of.

Bikepacking Essentials



Human Impact



KJF projects

WMS Layers:
Extent of glaciers
Designated Wildlife Areas
Forest Reserves
Potential permafrost distribution
Alpine Connections route:
Follow Kilian’s route


Permapyrenees is a project developed by Kilian Jornet Foundation focused on studying permafrost in the Pyrenees. It will utilize advanced monitoring techniques and deep drilling to detect permafrost and associated risks, such as slope instability and rockfalls. The goal is to provide precise information for safer mountain practices and enhance understanding of permafrost dynamics.

Documenting rockfall activity

In the Mont Blanc massif, rockfalls pose significant risks to climbers and infrastructure. These rockfalls have increased over the past 30 years due to warming temperatures affecting permafrost. To understand the long-term impact of climate on rockfalls, researchers dated ancient rockfall scars in the Glacier du Géant area using a method involving cosmic rays.

Climatic and structural controls on Late-glacial and Holocene rockfall occurrence in high-elevated rock walls of the Mont Blanc massif (Western Alps)

Rock broke off on Piz Cengalo

In the morning of 23 August 2017, around 3×106 m3 of granitoid rock broke off from the eastern face of Piz Cengalo, southeastern Switzerland. The event resulted in eight fatalities along its path and severely damaged Bondo.

The Bondo Landslide and the Future of Climate Disasters

Bonatti Pillar on the Petit Dru

In 2005, much of the Bonatti Pillar on the Petit Dru collapsed in a series of thunderous crashes and monstrous clouds of dust potentially due to Permafrost melting. 

When mountains collapse

Environnements, Dynamiques et Territoires de Montagne (EDyTEM)

Created in 2003, EDyTEM is a joint research unit of the University of Savoie Mont Blanc and the CNRS. EDyTEM is doing research on Aiguille du Midi (the famous cable car in Mont Blanc massif) where they measure continuous temperature at depth. EDyTEM is conducting extensive research on permafrost in alpine mountainous areas. 

Environnements, Dynamiques et Territoires de Montagne

Swiss Permafrost Monitoring Network (PERMOS)

PERMOS is the monitoring network of permafrost in Switzerland. They have open access data on temperature measurements in the Swiss Alps.

Here is an overview of the monitoring sites

Rock failure project (Dr. Florence Magnin)

This study aims to assess and map Rock Slope Failures (RSF) in the French Alps, particularly in regions where permafrost affects rock stability, thus contributing to better risk management and infrastructure planning in mountainous areas.

Mapping release and propagation areas of permafrost-related rock slope failures in the French Alps: A new methodological approach at regional scale

Muntanyes Vives (KJF)

Focused in the Pyrenees region, is an initiative from Kilian Jornet Foundation aimed at promoting responsible enjoyment of nature and providing resources to help preserve mountain environments.

Une Bouteille à la Mer (UBAM)

Founded in May 2020, Une Bouteille À La Mer aims to raise awareness of environmental threats through imagery and sport. The association originated from a volunteer initiative led by skier Mathieu Navillod and photographer Dom Daher. 

Mountain riders

Mountain Riders is a cheerful group of free, passionate, and committed people, organized as an association for ecological transition education since 2001. 

Asters Conservatoire d’Espaces Naturels de Haute-Savoie

A technical organization, Asters has brought together expertise in natural environments for over 35 years. As the nature conservation authority of Haute-Savoie, its mission is to preserve, share, and enhance the natural heritage of Haute-Savoie for the benefit of future generations and the community. 

France Nature Environnement

Founded in 1968, France Nature Environnement is a prominent French federation dedicated to the protection of nature and the environment. It unites over 6,200 associations and involves hundreds of thousands of activists, volunteers, and employees.

Green Mobility Browser from POW

POW offers different transport solutions to help you choose the least carbon-intensive option for your next trip, from anywhere in Europe and via a single basket.

Ice avalanche

Ice avalanche at Piz Scerscen, in Switzerland in April 2024

Huge landslide on Piz Scerscen in Switzerland

The Glacier Initiative

The Glacier Initiative is a Swiss association focused on preserving glaciers, aligning with Switzerland’s commitment to the 2015 Paris Agreement. This significant national project aims to protect the country’s glaciers from the impacts of climate change. The initiative seeks to provide a legal basis to phase out fossil fuels and achieve a net-zero society, ensuring Switzerland fulfills its international climate obligations.

The Rhoneglacier Glacier

The Rhoneglacier Glacier in Switzerland is both a focal point of ETHZ-D-BAUG alpine glacier research program and a popular tourist destination, partly due to its once-visible-from-the-road location and the “ice cave” attraction managed by a private company. To counteract the glacier’s recession and preserve the ice cave, the company has covered parts of the glacier with white blankets to reflect solar energy and reduce localized melting.

Researcher Christophe Ogier says “This is not a viable large-scale solution and often leads to public misunderstanding. I believe the only way to genuinely save glaciers is by reducing CO2 emissions. For more insight, see a recent article by my colleague Matthias Huss on glacier preservation.


GLACIOCLIM institution in France that measures glacier melt in situ.


GLAMOS is the institution in Switzerland that measures glacier melt in situ (i.e. from ground observations).

A historical perspective on glacial retreat : Vadret da Tschierva and Piz Roseg Glaciers

Researchers at ETH Zurich and WSL have for the first time reconstructed the extent of Switzerland’s glacier ice loss in the 20th century.

A historical perspective on glacial retreat

A historical perspective on glacial retreat : Gorner Glacier

Researchers at ETH Zurich and WSL have for the first time reconstructed the extent of Switzerland’s glacier ice loss in the 20th century.

A historical perspective on glacial retreat

GLOF (Glacier Outburst Floods)

A recent example of GLOF (Glacier Outburst Floods) is the disaster in the Écrins Massif, where torrential rains and rapid snowmelt caused the Étançons River to overflow, devastating the historic village of La Bérarde. 

Disaster in the Ecrins Massif: The Village of La Bérarde, One of France’s Mountaineering Centers, Devastated by Flooding

“In the skin of a glaciologist” at Parc naturel régional de la Vallée du Trient

Two years ago, Christophe Ogier, in collaboration with Chloé Barboux and the Parc Regional of Trient, organized a citizen science tour that takes place annually in autumn. The event is titled “In the Skin of a Glaciologist.” Its purpose is to engage the public, including non-scientists, in reading a mass balance stake located on the Glacier de Trient. This stake, drilled into the ice, is measured once a year to determine the extent of surface melt. The project also supports the ongoing development of the Parc Regional du Trient.

For more information and to register for the next tour planned for September 2024, please visit the following link.

Guided Tour “In the skin of a glaciologist”

Glacier d’Argentiere

One of the larger glaciers found within the Mont Blanc massif. Together with Mer de Glace, they are symbols of the Mont Blanc massif and a classic mountaineering location for skiing, climbing and hiking.

Decay of the two largest glaciers in the French Alps during the 21st century : Argentière and Mer de Glace

Mer de Glace

This is the longest glacier in the Alps. Together with Glacier d’Argentière, they are symbols of the Mont Blanc massif and a classic mountaineering location for skiing, climbing and hiking.

Decay of the two largest glaciers in the French Alps during the 21st century : Argentière and Mer de Glace

VAW-ETHZ : Glacier de la Plaine Morte

VAW-EHTZ developed a sensor for monitoring glacier changes over time. They put time-lapse cameras on stakes over several glaciers. The aim is to provide a daily forecast of glacier melt and thus glacier runoff. During summer days, the glacier surface at the glacier tongue can melt by >10cm per day.

Time lapse video melt at Holfuy station PLM-1

VAW-ETHZ : Findelgletscher glacier

VAW-EHTZ developed a sensor for monitoring glacier changes over time. They put time-lapse cameras on stakes over several glaciers. The aim is to provide a daily forecast of glacier melt and thus glacier runoff. During summer days, the glacier surface at the glacier tongue can melt by >10cm per day.

Automated ice ablation reading on Findelgletscher

World Glacier Monitoring Service (WGMS)

KJF is partnering with the World Glacier Monitoring Service (WGMS) of the University of Zurich, in Switzerland, to collect data and study changes in mass, volume, area and length of glaciers over time. 

  • Sensor SmartStake located on Hintereisferner on ~2800m above sea level
  • They can clearly see daily melt cycles and identify periods with stronger melt or when melt has paused due colder periods. This is a good step forward in increasing the temporal resolution of glacier monitoring data.
  • Cite referring to: Rainer Prinz, Department of Atmospheric and Cryospheric Sciences, University of Innsbruck, Austria.

Ice and Life

Since its creation in 2020, KFJ supports this project developed by Jean-Baptiste Bosson with scientific and conservation partners to enhance knowledge and conservation on glaciers and postglacial ecosystems.


The ALPALGA project focuses on microscopic, invisible organisms, which are at the heart of environmental changes, whose role in ecosystems is major, but whose biodiversity is largely unknown.

Restore the trails (KJF)

The Kilian Jornet Foundation is dedicated to restoring mountain trails and degraded areas to preserve natural environments. This project focuses on four key areas: direct actions, collaborative efforts, foundation scholarships, and volunteer involvement. 

Green trail Concept Project (KJF)

Seeks to improve the governance of trail running events by incorporating environmentally, socially, economically, and ethically sustainable practices in the management of mountain running events. 

Project SoPheno (CREA Mont-Blanc)

CREA Mont-Blanc is an organization specialized in the study of natural mountain environments. The SoPheno project aims to understand the impact of climate change on the seasonality of mountain ecosystems, focusing on trees, plants, and insects. 

Research Center for Alpine Ecosystems

Nature restoration program (EU)

The Nature Restoration Law, adopted by the European Parliament in February 2024, aims to restore and enhance natural habitats across the EU to combat biodiversity loss. This law mandates all EU countries to develop and implement national restoration plans, targeting specific environmental issues. The key goals of the program include restoring degraded ecosystems, enhancing biodiversity, and improving the resilience of natural habitats to climate change. By focusing on these objectives, the EU seeks to preserve its rich natural heritage and ensure the long-term health of its ecosystems.

Mountain Wilderness

Mountain Wilderness is an organization founded by mountaineers that emphasizes preserving the natural and cultural heritage of mountain regions. They promote self-reliance and respect for nature, oppose aggressive commercial exploitation of mountains, and advocate for sustainable development in mountain areas.

International Commission for the Protection of the Alp (CIPRA)

CIPRA is an organization advocating for sustainable development within the Alps.

Protect Our Winters (POW)

Protect Our Winters (POW) is an organization founded in 2007 by pro snowboarder Jeremy Jones to mobilize the outdoor sports community against climate change. Initially responding to the loss of snow in resorts, POW has grown into a global network of over 130,000 supporters, including athletes, resorts, and outdoor enthusiasts. The organization advocates for the outdoor sports industry’s significant economic impact, emphasizing relevance and authenticity. POW aims to proactively protect the environment, jobs, and recreational experiences from the adverse effects of climate change.

Natural values of the Alps

The Alps represent one of the last areas in central Europe with truly wild places. They are renowned for their exceptional natural values, which encompass a wide range of ecological, geological, and scenic elements.
Diverse ecosystems
The Alps are home to over 30,000 animal and 13,000 plant species, adapting to diverse habitats from valleys to high peaks and glaciers. The region’s geological history has created stunning landscapes and diverse ecosystems vital for local communities and wildlife.
Geological Significance
The Alps’ geological importance, marked by their intricate and towering peaks, is closely linked to the presence of permafrost and glaciers. Permafrost shapes mountain morphology, while glaciers serve as vital indicators of climate change, sources of water, and influences ecosystems’ dynamics.
Natural resources
The Alps provide an abundance of natural resources that are vital to both local communities and the broader region, including fresh water, timber, biodiversity, and opportunities for tourism and recreation.
Multicultural and global
Stretching across several countries including France, Switzerland, Italy, Austria, and Slovenia, these mountains are known for their iconic peaks towering above 4,000 meters.
A convergence point
The Alps attract adventurers, scientists, nature lovers and athletes, offering endless opportunities to explore one of Europe’s most treasured natural wonders.


    Board of Experts

    Antoine Pin

    Protect our Winters (POW) France

    Florence Magnin

    Researcher at EDyTEM

    Louisa Moreau

    Protect our Winters (POW) France

    Jean-Baptiste Bosson

    Glaciologist at Marge Sauvage and coordinator of Ice&Life

    Jeremie Villet

    Wildlife Photographer

    Trevis Peloux

    Protect our Winters (POW) France

    Christophe Oiger

    Researcher at ETH Zurich

    Heïdi Sevestre

    Glaciologist at Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme