Outdoor sports play a fundamental role in society. They help to boost the physical and emotional health of the people who do them and they have a major influence on the attitudes and habits of both spectators and participants. However, like any human activity, outdoor sports have adverse effects on the environment.
People who take part in outdoor sports tend to be more aware of the environment that those who take part in other kinds of sports. This is why we have an important part to play in preserving the environment where our sports take place and where our organisation, KJF, has set several general goals to guide our efforts to protect the mountains we love so much.
This is why the Kilian Jornet Foundation is collaborating with the launch of this commitment which sets out to promote outdoor sports as a more sustainable activity from an environmental point of view, focusing on the impact of different interest groups on a series of United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
We are all part of the same team, so athletes and organisers, equipment manufacturers and federations can all sign up to this commitment to achieving the goals set by 2030. We all have a vital part to play when it comes to sustainability in relation to sport and the environment in which we do it.
You can find the link to the commitment here, and you can also share your ideas to inspire those around us with the tags #OutdoorFriendly #MountainsMatter #WeClimbTogether.