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21st March: World Day for Glaciers

Kilian Jornet Fundation
March 21, 2025
Kilian Jornet Fundation
March 21, 2025

As part of the International Year of Glaciers’ Preservation 2025, today, March 21st, we celebrate the first-ever World Day for Glaciers alongside World Water Day to raise awareness about the accelerating threat of glacier melt and its impact on water security, communities, and ecosystems.

Glacial meltwater forms a critical source of drinking water for two billion people. Rising temperatures are changing water systems. In 2023, according to a World Meteorological Organization (WMO) report, glaciers lost 600 gigatons of water, the largest measurement in 50 years. In the 1970s and 1980s, glaciers in most regions were close to balanced or had slightly negative conditions. In 2022 and 2023 all glaciated regions reported ice loss. The decline has caused an increase in landslides, downstream flooding and sea-level rise. For countries with glaciers, communities who live downstream of glaciers, or populations at risk from sea-level rise, these increases are a pressing issue.

These changes also jeopardize ecosystems, human livelihoods, and economies around the world. To address this urgent challenge, ambitious action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is essential.

The Impact of Glaciar Melt

The World Day for Glaciers forms part of a broader campaign to bring glacier preservation and support of cryospheric science to the forefront of international dialogue. Following the adoption of a December 2022 resolution proposed by the government of Tajikistan, the UN declared 2025 the International Year of Glaciers’ Preservation and 2025-2034 as the Decade of Action for Cryospheric Sciences. UNESCO and the WMO are leading the implementation of these campaigns. The first World Day for Glaciers encourages us all to act to preserve the vital role of glaciers in sustaining life on Earth for generations to come.

The primary cause of glacial retreat is increased average temperatures due to rising greenhouse gas emissions. Without the direct ability to reduce global emissions, these international campaigns cannot by themselves preserve glaciers: their impact must come as a result of bringing attention to the significance of melting glaciers.

Key Initiatives

At current levels of warming, most glaciers are at recessing levels. UNESCO and WMO have highlighted several key initiatives for the International Year of Glacier Preservation, in order to adapt to this increased glacial melting. The initiative focuses on several critical areas:

  • Expanding global glacier monitoring systems to enhance data collection and analysis
  • Developing early warning systems for glacier-related hazards
  • Promoting sustainable water resource management in glacier-dependent regions
  • Preserving cultural heritage and traditional knowledge related to glacial environments
  • Engaging youth in glacier preservation efforts and climate action

Why is it important to protect Glaciers?

  1. Glaciers are critical to life, storing 70% of Earth’s freshwater and sustaining ecosystems, agriculture, and clean energy.
  2. Glaciers are sensitive indicators of climate change.
  3. Glacier monitoring provides important data for climate adaptation and mitigation.
  4. Glaciers are a testimony of the Earth’s history: Glaciers preserve unique archives of climate and environmental history, vital for future generations and biodiversity conservation.
  5. Glacier shrinkage unveils new post-glacial landscapes and ecosystems: Post-glacial landscapes create new ecosystems, requiring its urgent management. 
  6. Snow and Ice from mountain glaciers are critical to freshwater supply.
  7. Melting glaciers create new hazards, increasing the risk of disaster losses: Melting glaciers and thawing permafrost elevate disaster risks, including floods, landslides, and infrastructure damage, threatening downstream communities.
  8. Glaciers have cultural and spiritual significance.
  9. Over 2 billion people rely on glacier melt for water and livelihoods, with ongoing retreat impacting food security, hydropower, tourism, and global sea levels.
  10. Vanishing glaciers are impacting mountain recreation disrupting mountain tourism, accessibility, safety, and cultural practices in high-altitude regions.

                  The role of the KJF in the International Year of Glacier Preservation

                  The IYGP25, led by UNESCO, is structured into four Task Forces, each focusing on key aspects of glacier conservation: public awareness, scientific research, policy advocacy, and capacity building. The KJF is an active member of Task Force 1, contributing to awareness and communication campaigns throughout the International Year. We have developed a global communication strategy to engage diverse audiences, including policymakers, scientists, Indigenous communities, the media, and the general public.

                  The KJF at the Agir Pour les Glaciers Festival in the Alps

                  As part of this global effort, the Kilian Jornet Foundation is joining the Agir Pour les Glaciers Festival in Bourg-Saint-Maurice, in the heart of the Alps. This  festival is a dynamic event dedicated to glacier protection, combining science, outdoor activities, and cultural experiences. It features debates, concerts, and exhibitions, alongside scientific conferences. 

                  At the festival, we are collaborating with Protect Our Winters (POW) and other environmental organizations to inspire action and drive impact. Together, we aim to engage local communities, share knowledge, and discuss meaningful climate solutions.

                  Running Minds Event: A Conversation on Glaciers

                  In addition to our participation at the festival, we are also organizing a Running Minds event in partnership with glaciologist Jean-Baptiste Bosson. Will combine physical activity with scientific discussion, offering a great opportunity to learn about glaciers while being immersed in the landscapes they shape.

                  By connecting scientific and outdoor experiences, we hope to encourage deeper reflections on why glaciers matter, how they are changing, and what we can do to protect them.

                  Button Example

                  What can you do to protect glaciers?

                  • Conserve Water, Protect Glaciers!
                  • Save Energy, Protect Glaciers!
                  • Raise Your Voice for Glaciers!
                  • Support Local Environmental Initiatives!
                  • Eat Sustainably, Save Glaciers!
                  • Educate and Inspire Others about Glaciers!
                  • Support Renewable Energy for Glaciers!
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